
Chef de Cuisine Franz Gruben & his team, à la carte, banquet-suggestions

GUIDE BLEU Suisse 2005

Virtual Visit
Take a look at the Panorama restraurant in a unique 360° panoramic view

The PANORAMA RESTAURANT is the perfect place . . .

. . . to experience the dual pleasure of the most beautiful views on Lake Lucerne and the surrounding mountains and the most delicious dishes using the freshest of ingredients from this lovely place - a labour of love by the kitchen team Hotel Albana Weggis.

Linger a while in the fin-de-siécle Mirror Room before dinner or take an apértif on the roof-terrace, affording amazing sky, stars, lake and mountain vistas. Central to the Hotel Albana cooking concept are the finest raw materials which include home-made pasta, fragrant garden herbs, locally sourced choice meat and fish (integrated production), vegetables from the Weggis market-gardens, hand-made pralinès, creative desserts and ice-creams . . .

Wo es nur Plätze mit Aussicht gibt